What is the energetic certificate?
It is a document that reports on the energy efficiency of a property. It is the label that classifies your house in relation with the energy that consumes, as well as including recommendations for improvement (the score ranges from A, being the best, to G, the worst). The label must to be registered in the webpagge of the Junta Andalucia so that it has the character of a official certificate.
Is it mandatory?
Since June 1, 2013, if you are the owner of a home or other property and wish to rent or sell it, you must obtain a certificate and show it to the interested persons. The owner is responsible for presenting the certificate in the corresponding official organism for registration.
When do you have to have the Energetic Certificate?
It is mandatory to have the energetic certificate to rent or sell a home and this document must be delivered to the buyer or show the new tenant. Also, the official label to be issued by the autonomous community after the registration of the architect’s certificate in its database is also needed.
What is the validity of the Energetic Certificate?
It will be valid for 10 years and the owner of the property will be responsible for the renovation or update as established by the competent official body of the autonomous community.
How much will the Energetic Certificate cost?
The price will depends on the type of house, premises or building to be certified, its dimensions, facades, floors … for a budget on your energetic certificate contact our architecture studio in San Pedro Alcántara and we will be delighted to assist you.